About Me

Why Groundcherry? They are a small fruit, from the physalis family, that I enjoy very much.  Symbolically, they represent one neglected food that is rarely available commercially but was once an important garden product.  Groundcherries are enjoying a revival, and you’ll find they cook and store well in addition to being a great snack or salad addition.  They offer a tropical flavor (pineapple) via a temperate plant.  Enjoying locally grown “tiny pineapples” represents the creativity and variety that is available in a healthy but delicious local diet.  Deprivation is not necessary!

I’m a person who believes in a lot of things, has a good number of opinions, and a handful of skills. I’m currently exploring now even pretty good at an involuntary gluten free diet.  As a single person, I also work to adapt recipes and other food conundrums to serving one person.  Eating sustainably is an important element of my kitchen, so you’ll find that many of my recipes are low or no meat and I try to focus on in-season and local foods. My education includes training in nutrition and food systems, so I bring that aspect into my recipe selection and thoughts on our food system. While blogging, I’ve lived in Boston (2006-2012), West Virginia (2012), and am now at Cornell pursuing a PhD in community nutrition.

What you’ll find here:

  • recipes and meal ideas
  • stories of gardening
  • thoughts on our food system and sustainable living
  • the occasional rant (complete with warning label)

Feedback and requests are always welcome!  Please note that I cannot offer personalized nutrition advice and any dietary changes should be discussed with your health care provider.  The point of my personal blog is to explore food, recipes, and the food system.


About my gravatar: this beautiful photo of groundcherries was taken by 3268zauber, and acquired via WikiMedia Commons.

30 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Like your blog, you sound like me! I am curious as to why you are going gluten free? I suspect I am intolerant of gluten, been doing my own experiments. What are your motivations? I am trying to learn more.

  2. Liked your comment about 10 Ways to Fidget in the Kitchen in the kitchen in the NYTimes today. Cast iron skillets are a good workout! And a manual can opener: builds the biceps and encourages you to eat more fresh food. What’s not to like?

    1. Stephanie, I so enjoy reading your blogs and recipes…also enjoyed the web page from the other lady too…take care and I hope you are having a great week…love you…

  3. Stephanie,
    I think this blog is great, and I’m truly flattered that you are interested in mine! I can’t believe I haven’t been looking here more for inspiration and healthy ideas. Your blog certainly motivates me to take greater care in creating healthy and sustainable recipes. Thanks for some great dishes.

    1. I’m not a huge fan of 100% raw, unless it’s quite warm outside and you really have great fresh produce around. 80% seems more sustainable and gives you a little more flexibility. I favor avoiding grains if you are doing a “raw” diet, and not eating too many sprouts. It’s also helpful to keep an eye on calories and protein– it can be hard to get enough of each. Higher protein seeds and nuts are pretty important (sunflower seeds, pistachios, almonds). Starting to shift your diet earlier by eating more raw and less cooked can make it a little easier on your GI tract. If you’re going from 75% cooked, for example, that’s quite a change in composition and potentially fiber.

      Oh, yeah, and don’t each anything raw that you can’t digest raw or is poisonous. Like, say, potatoes. Or carrot greens and cassava.

      Thanks for reading!

      1. Wow! Those are great suggestions. I had no idea that some food was poisonous without being cooked. Is there a website that you know of where I could learn more about how to be healthy while eating raw?

      2. I’m sorry, but I don’t have a great sense of the raw blogger world and who’s best to follow. You might want to start by finding a few cookbook authors and see if any other them have good websites or resource lists.

        Most food isn’t poisonous raw, but some do have substances antithetical to digestion that are destroyed by cooking. The carrot tops, though, and raw cassava, definitely not things to eat.

  4. Hi Stephanie, I’ve just discovered you (stepped over from Agrigirl’s blog) and really looking forward to reading more of your postings.
    I’m always interested in learning more about local source and foraging, so can’t wait to see what you’ve already written about and may yet come across in NY State that’s also common here in south-eastern Ontario. Bee well, D.

    1. Thanks for visiting Deb! It’s always great to hear from another reader, especially one who will share a foodshed. (Isn’t Tammy great? Her blog is the only one where I truly faithfully read every post.)

  5. Hi, I just tried to access your Vegetable Cheese Soup…I found it under my Read Blogs link, but it’s nowhere to be found on your site. And the link within Read Blogs comes up with a page on your site that says the link doesn’t work. Hmmm…?

    1. It’ll be up again Monday… I posted my secret recipe club post a week early, so I pulled it back. Sorry about that! It’s worth the wait though.

  6. Hi Stephanie I have recently started following your blog and thoroughly enjoy it, I’m working my way slowly through your archives 🙂
    I have nominated you for a couple of blogging awards and you can pop over to my homepage to see what they are and if you accept.
    xx melanie

  7. Hello Ms. Stephanie. I had come across in one of your post here. The post about Structuration Theory of Anthony Giddens with a diagram. May I humbly asks for the book or source from which your post was based? Especially the diagram? Thank You.

    1. So, the figure was designed by me (feel free to use/adapt it for academic uses with proper citation) but the book is: Giddens, A. The Constitution of Society. University of California Press: 1986.

      Rob Stone, I think, also wrote a book that I found to be a helpful interpretation.

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